All Artec manifolds are designed using CFD software to ensure they maximize flow, which, in combination with their revolutionary cast stainless steel construction, ensures that not only do you get he most power, but also the most reliability.
The biggest flaw on the factory manifold is only 3 runners reaching the collector even though its a 4 cylinder. 2 runners were merging just before the tight radius in the turbo flange area. The cracks were appearing along where the y runner met the other 2 runners.
This is because twice the hot air flows in the same diameter pipe, resulting the runner with a much greater hot spot which causes it to expand more. So where it was cracking is where the metal is moving the greatest amount.
So when ARTEC was designing this manifold, they removed the particular hot spot by removing the restriction and/or bottle neck caused by the tight radius’ to increase flow. The second thing they did was to ensure the runners have an inner diameter of 33mm. By keeping the radius tighter, you increase the exhaust speed, which, in turn spools your turbo faster.